Leona Jackson went viral with videos of her dancing to michael jackson, they were stle from the actual owner (the girl dancning in the video) who many believe to be the actual michael Jackson.
Leona Jackson it is often said, dances just like Michael Jackson
MYStery, its herstory, its HIStory
We manage as an agency the Real Girl in the video, that was overdubbed with a young geman girl claiming to be the girl in the video. However this was a money grabbing lie by an Ilford Hotel Manager
'I have never been to germany, I am 33 years old and I am not 18. I am british, when people try to steal your identity and do amateur overdubs in a different accent it hurts me greatly and plays with my very sense of self'
Life imitating art imitating lifeTHE ONE 'Le Ona' presents THE REAL online content that will shock many around the world
This is michael jackson, whether he faked his death or is merely channeling himself into the real deal. Prepare to BRACE YOURSELF